All Studies
Administration of Justice
Interested in criminal justice of any kind? This degree provides students a basic foundation in the three major areas of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts and prosecution, and corrections. Students may consider careers as police officers, corrections personnel, probation and parole officers, juvenile officers, wildlife enforcement officers, and other social services positions.
Are horses and equine a part of your lifestyle? The courses offered in Equine Studies are designed to prepare students for a variety of professions in the horse industry, or for transferring to a higher institution. Students preparing for immediate entry into a horse career will find practical hands on courses designed to assist them in achieving their occupational goals. Through study and applied practice, students prepare for careers in four basic Equine Studies concentrations: Pack Skills, Ranch Skills, Horse Training Skills, and Rodeo Skills.
Agriculture - Bachelor's Degree
The Bachelor of Science in Equine and Ranch Management combines scientific agricultural management courses with a hands-on livestock experience. It incorporates both traditional and progressive ranch management, and performance horse methods. The degree provides an engaging learning environment with a comprehensive curriculum, outstanding instructional facilities, exceptional full-time faculty and staff, and extensive agriculture industry connections; all to ensure students will acquire the practical, intellectual and communication skills necessary to meet the needs of the agriculture industry.
Are you fascinated by human difference in all its biological and historical complication? Anthropology is the study of the human species, its relatives and antecedents, everywhere and throughout time. As a discipline, it includes social sciences, biological sciences, earth sciences, and health sciences.
The Biology (BIOL) program is primarily designed for students who intend to transfer into any biology-related track at a four-year college or university, or for students considering transfer to a nursing or pre-medical program. The program gives students the necessary biology major transfer credits but is flexible enough to let students choose and integrate informal areas of emphasis such as a premedical curriculum, cell and molecular biology, organismal biology and resource and environmental biology into an individualized and varied lower division biology program.
Business Administration
If you’re looking for a degree that provides a world of flexibility in terms of careers, then look no further than the business program. It provides a general and practical foundation for a wide range of career opportunities in business and beyond. The curriculum is designed to help students develop business knowledge and managerial skills beneficial to them and meaningful to employers.
Culinary Arts
Ready for a fulfilling career in food service or the culinary arts? This degree course work covers the characteristics of entrepreneurs, product or service feasibility, developing a marketing plan, understanding financial planning and ratios, and developing a viable business plan in either nutrition, foods, and culinary arts.
Early Childhood Education
Are you ready to help make a difference in the lives of children? The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program provides an academic and experiential foundation offering students occupational and transfer degree options, and a variety of certificates. Students will study child development in the context of the family and the community as well as best practices for teaching and learning.
Elementary Teacher Education
Are you a future educator and looking to help make a difference in students’ lives? The Liberal Studies Program is a pathway designed for prospective elementary teachers who intend to transfer to earn a baccalaureate degree and a multiple subject (K-8) credential. The required courses are part of a program of study that can be started at the community college level and completed at a four-year institution.
If you’re looking for a solid foundation to your next degree, then look no further. An A.A. degree in English provides students with a solid knowledge in the literature and culture of the anglophone world. Through the study of literature, students develop an understanding of important themes that have been present throughout the history of the English-speaking world and an understanding about how these themes have shaped thought and literary expression.
Equine Studies
The Equine Studies Program provides hands-on training in practical and business skills for a variety of horse related career opportunities. Students have their choice of earning an Associate of Science degree or Certificate of Achievement in Equine Studies with a concentration in Horse Training, Ranch, Rodeo, and/or Pack Skills. Please click on the following links to see more information about each of the degrees offered.
Environmental Science
Interested in the environment and fascinated by science? Pursuing an A.S. degree in Environmental Science will help students learn the basics of environmental, biological and physical science that may ultimately prepare them to work studying or managing the environment. The coursework completed during this major will prepare students to transfer to four-year schools and pursue Environmental Science or other related Bachelor’s degrees.
Environmental Studies
Interested in why our environment is so important? Pursuing an A.S. degree in Environmental Science will help students learn the basics of environmental, biological and physical science that may ultimately prepare them to work studying or managing the environment. The coursework completed during this major will prepare students to transfer to four-year schools and pursue Environmental Science or other related Bachelor’s degrees.
Does the world around you fascinate you? Geography is the study of Earth phenomena by examining spatial patterns of physical, biological, social or political processes, and features on our planet. Students completing this degree have a greater appreciation and understanding for the world around them and will be prepared to move on to four-year schools to study geography.
Are you interested in learning more about our Earth and its history? Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, including our planet’s composition, behavior, and history. Students pursuing geologic careers should plan to transfer to universities where they can continue their studies in order to ultimately find themselves qualified for a variety of positions, such as working for mining companies or studying earthquake or volcanic hazards.
Health & Exercise Sciences
Are you looking to set yourself up for a career in healthcare or sports science? The Health and Exercise Studies Program prepares students who plan on transferring to four-year colleges. The curriculum emphasizes general education courses that will assist the student in undertaking upper-level coursework at a university, while enhancing their admissions profile and increasing their chances of acceptance to a physical education program at a four-year institution.
Does history excite you? The study of history demonstrates that, as individuals and as a community, we cannot hope to comprehend the present and prepare for the future without an understanding of the past. Knowledge of the past provides students with a sense of the people, ideas, forces, and institutions that shaped the condition of our contemporary world.
The primary goal of this degree is to facilitate students who wish to pursue a Kinesiology major at a four-year school of their choosing. Each student in this program must choose to utilize either the CSU General Education Breadth or IGETC requirements as a part of their degree in addition to the course(s) required for this major.
Law, Public Policy, and Society
This degree is for students interested in pursuing a degree and career in law and other areas related to legal studies. The courses in this degree allow you to explore different areas and disciplines and emphasize communication and critical thinking skills.
Licensed Vocational Nursing
Are you ready to help make a difference in our world by entering a career of healthcare? Both the A.S. and certificate options prepare students to take the State Board of Vocational Nursing Licensing Exam (NCLEX-PN) and upon passing the exam, apply for a state license as a vocational nurse.
Math is so much more than what you might be used to! The courses within the AS-T in Mathematics fulfill transfer major requirements for students transferring to the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in Mathematics or similar major. Students who obtain an advanced degrees and/or professional certificates, such as a baccalaureate degree will have the foundation to pursue careers including urban planner, financial analyst, statistician, systems analyst, computer programmer and teacher.
Office Technology
Let’s face it, everyone needs to understand office technology in our modern world. The curriculum is designed to help students develop business knowledge and managerial skills beneficial to them and meaningful to employers.
Outdoor Recreation Leadership
Outdoor Recreation Leadership is a unique program, designed to prepare students for careers in outdoor leadership and outdoor teaching positions, as well as preparing students for transfer. Experiential education is a hallmark of the program. Feather River College and the surrounding 1.2 million acre Plumas National Forest provides an ideal laboratory for learning skills related to outdoor adventure leadership and teaching.
Physical Science
Are you interested in a better understanding of our physical world? The Associate of Science Degree in Physical Science offers a flexible, broad-based, and interdisciplinary approach. Students interested in transferring to a university Bachelor of Science program and who envision themselves a teacher or professional in the sciences will find the Physical Science Degree especially valuable.
Political Science
Does politics or international relations fascinate you? This program offers foundational courses in the field that explores topics in international relations, American politics, globalization and development, race/class/gender, public policy, human rights, law, public opinion, bureaucracy, and foreign policy.
Social Justice
This degree focuses on understanding the struggles and experiences of marginalized groups in society. Students in this program use this knowledge to work toward a better world. It is designed for transfer into ethnic studies degrees, gender and sexuality studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies, or fields like sociology, history, political science, psychology, or English.
Social Work and Human Services
This degree is designed to meet the rapidly expanding need for health, public and human service/social worker professionals. Students build skills to work in various cultural contexts and with diverse populations in entry-level social-work positions or for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education.
Students in this major explore how the interactions between individuals, groups, and the larger society shape and are shaped by social institutions such as the criminal justice system, education, government, economic structures, the media, politics, family, and religion. Using sociological theories and social science research methods, sociology students will examine how socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexualities, etc. affect behavior, interactions, and experiences in diverse societies.
STEM Majors
If you are interested in pursuing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degree, you can rest assured that this is a very advantageous path. STEM fields are among the fastest-growing and highest-paying in the United States. FRC prides itself on offering a variety of STEM courses to help set students up for success on their educational journeys!Studio Arts
Studio Arts artists produce expressive images that educate us, please and challenge us, and document societal trends. Various career opportunities evolve from a study of the basics of studio arts leading to jobs in design, animation, gaming and concept design, gallery exhibition, fashion, painting, digital and film photography, sculpture, graphic design, and industrial design.
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