Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Are horses and equine a part of your lifestyle? The courses offered in Equine Studies are designed to prepare students for a variety of professions in the horse industry, or for transferring to a higher institution. Students preparing for immediate entry into a horse career will find practical hands on courses designed to assist them in achieving their occupational goals. Through study and applied practice, students prepare for careers in four basic Equine Studies concentrations: Pack Skills, Ranch Skills, Horse Training Skills, and Rodeo Skills.
The Biology (BIOL) program is primarily designed for students who intend to transfer into any biology-related track at a four-year college or university, or for students considering transfer to a nursing or pre-medical program. The program gives students the necessary biology major transfer credits but is flexible enough to let students choose and integrate informal areas of emphasis such as a premedical curriculum, cell and molecular biology, organismal biology and resource and environmental biology into an individualized and varied lower division biology program.
Environmental Science
Interested in the environment and fascinated by science? Pursuing an A.S. degree in Environmental Science will help students learn the basics of environmental, biological and physical science that may ultimately prepare them to work studying or managing the environment. The coursework completed during this major will prepare students to transfer to four-year schools and pursue Environmental Science or other related Bachelor’s degrees.
Environmental Studies
Interested in why our environment is so important? Pursuing an A.S. degree in Environmental Science will help students learn the basics of environmental, biological and physical science that may ultimately prepare them to work studying or managing the environment. The coursework completed during this major will prepare students to transfer to four-year schools and pursue Environmental Science or other related Bachelor’s degrees.
Does the world around you fascinate you? Geography is the study of Earth phenomena by examining spatial patterns of physical, biological, social or political processes, and features on our planet. Students completing this degree have a greater appreciation and understanding for the world around them and will be prepared to move on to four-year schools to study geography.
Are you interested in learning more about our Earth and its history? Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, including our planet’s composition, behavior, and history. Students pursuing geologic careers should plan to transfer to universities where they can continue their studies in order to ultimately find themselves qualified for a variety of positions, such as working for mining companies or studying earthquake or volcanic hazards.
Math is so much more than what you might be used to! The courses within the AS-T in Mathematics fulfill transfer major requirements for students transferring to the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in Mathematics or similar major. Students who obtain an advanced degrees and/or professional certificates, such as a baccalaureate degree will have the foundation to pursue careers including urban planner, financial analyst, statistician, systems analyst, computer programmer and teacher.
Physical Science
Are you interested in a better understanding of our physical world? The Associate of Science Degree in Physical Science offers a flexible, broad-based, and interdisciplinary approach. Students interested in transferring to a university Bachelor of Science program and who envision themselves a teacher or professional in the sciences will find the Physical Science Degree especially valuable.
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