Welome to Biology at Feather River College
A knowledge of biology is an important component for work in forestry, wildlife, watershed resources and other environmental science areas. The biology major is also essential for those considering a career as a lab technician or planning to pursue studies in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, or pre-med programs and medical school. Biological sciences courses cover plant, animal, microscopic, habitat, ecosystem, and human biology. For more information, contact Anna Thompson at (530) 283-0202, ext. 268 or athompson@bookwest.net.
A.S. BiologyThe Biology (BIOL) program is primarily designed for students who intend to transfer into any biology-related track at a four-year college or university or for students considering transfer to a nursing or pre-medical program. The curriculum is organized so that courses will readily transfer to the UC and CSU system. The program gives students the necessary biology major transfer credits but is flexible enough to let students choose and integrate informal areas of emphasis such as a premedical curriculum, cell and molecular biology, organismal biology and resource and environmental biology into an individualized and varied lower division biology program. For more details please consult the Feather River College Catalog.
Biology at Feather River College
Biology classes are small (no more than 30 students) and collaborative group work is common. There is generally no wait list!

Many lab classes are outside and we take advantage of campus resources such as the college hatchery.

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