Student Equity and Achievement Services
The Student Equity and Achievement Program provides activities and services to support educational access and achievement for all students. Outreach, student activities and events, and academic support foster a supportive environment that provides students with a positive experience where they can accomplish their educational goals.

Summer Bridge @ FRC
Program Information
Student Equity And Achievement Services is an initiative from the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) established to increase access to the California Community Colleges and to promote student success by providing effective core matriculation services, including orientation, assessment and placement, counseling/advising, and student follow-up services such as academic interventions for at-risk students. The purpose of the SEAS is to ensure that all students promptly define their educational and career goals, complete their courses, persist to the next academic term, and achieve their educational objectives in a timely manner.
A first-time/new student must complete orientation, assessment for math and English placement, and meet with an counselor or advisor to develop a student education plan (SEP) in order to meet state requirements and earn priority registration. More information about SEAS is available in the CCCCO SSSP Handbook.
Student Equity Planning is administered through the Student Equity and Achievement Services unit at the California Community College Chancellor''s Office. Student equity plans focus on increasing access, course completion, ESL and basic skills completion, degree and certificate completion, and transfer for all students as measured by success indicators linked to the Student Success Scorecard, and other research methods.
Title 5 regulations specify that colleges must review and address the following populations when looking at disproportionate impact: American Indians or Alaskan natives, Asians or Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, men, women, and persons with disabilities (§54220(d)). The State Budget trailer bill, SB 860 (2014) added requirements to address foster youth, veterans and low income students. More information about Student Equity can be found on the CCCCO website.
- Student Services Home
- Advising
- Basic Needs
- CARES Team
- Community Ed (opens in new window)
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Financial Aid (opens in new window)
- Health Services
- Housing (opens in new window)
- Student Discounts
- Student Employment Services (opens in new window)
- Student Equity and Achievement Services (opens in new window)
- Student Life
- Student-Parent Resources
- Student Policies (opens in new window)
- Support Services (opens in new window)
- Student Safety (opens in new window)
- Student Leadership & Government
- Student Success Programs
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